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Prenatal Back Pain Relief

Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting journey filled with anticipation and joy. As you prepare to welcome a new life, you'll experience a whirlwind of emotions and physical changes. While there are many wonderful moments to cherish, it's essential to acknowledge that pregnancy also comes with challenges. One common discomfort that many expectant mothers face is back pain, especially in their Third Trimester.

Back pain is a common complaint among pregnant women. As your body undergoes significant changes to accommodate a growing baby, it's natural to experience discomfort. Several factors can contribute to back pain during pregnancy, including:

  • Hormonal Changes: Hormones like relaxin soften your ligaments, increasing flexibility and potential joint instability.

  • Shifting Center of Gravity: As your belly grows, your center of gravity shifts forward, putting more pressure on your lower back.

  • Poor Posture: Slouching or leaning forward to compensate for your growing belly can contribute to back pain.

  • Muscle Weakness: Pregnancy can weaken your core and back muscles, making it harder to support your body's weight.

  • Weight Gain: The additional weight of your baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid can put extra strain on your back.

While rest can temporarily relieve back pain during pregnancy, incorporating targeted movement into your routine can offer long-term benefits. Regular physical activity can help strengthen your back muscles, improve posture, and alleviate discomfort.

Meghan Betts has been a FIT4MOM instructor for FIT4MOM Alexandria since 2015. She shares that “Prenatal clients who begin a movement session with pregnancy aches almost always finish feeling better than when they started. In addition to relieving discomfort, physical movement helps moms-to-be build strength and endurance for the pregnancy and childbirth marathon.”

Sciatica: A Common Cause of Back Pain

Sciatica is a condition that occurs when the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, becomes compressed. This compression can cause pain, numbness, or tingling in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. During pregnancy, the growing uterus can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica.

While seeking professional guidance is essential, there are several at-home strategies you can try to alleviate sciatica pain:

  • Rest: Take breaks and rest in a comfortable position.

  • Heat Therapy: Apply a warm compress to the affected area.

  • Pillow Placement: Place a pillow between your legs while sleeping to support your pelvis and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve.

  • Gentle Stretching: See our recommendations below or join us in a FIT4BABY class

To learn more about labor prep, check out this resource.

Stretches to Try

“As your body adapts to accommodate a growing baby, pelvic and spinal alignment changes can result in sore backs and achy hips,” shares Meghan. “Taking brief stretching breaks throughout your day can help relieve discomfort and help you maintain postural alignment.”

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Seated Piriformis Stretch

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Put your left ankle on your right knee, then lean forward while keeping your back straight. Maintain this position for four deep breaths, then switch legs.

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Lat Stretch

Stand facing a chair with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Lean forward with your hands on the chair, keeping your back flat and arms straight. Pull your hips away from the chair until you feel a stretch in your lower back and legs. Maintain this position for four deep breaths.

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Kneeing Low Lunge

Using the side of a chair, kneel on the floor with one knee down and the other foot planted in front, ensuring both legs form a 90-degree angle. Using the chair as a balance tool, slowly shift your hips forward to feel a gentle stretch in the hip flexors of the kneeling leg, keeping your spine long and chest lifted. Maintain this position for four deep breaths, then switch legs.

Finding Relief with FIT4MOM

At FIT4MOM, we understand the challenges of back pain and sciatica during pregnancy. Our FIT4BABY prenatal fitness program provides the support and tools you need to alleviate discomfort and maintain a healthy pregnancy.

“FIT4BABY classes focus exclusively on helping prenatal clients find their fit. Every aspect of a FIT4BABY class is tailored to meet a mother-to-be’s fitness needs, in all stages of pregnancy. Whether mom is new to exercise or a veteran, FIT4BABY classes will help her navigate pregnancy in a strong, fit manner,” Meghan shared with us.

FIT4BABY offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • Expert Guidance: Our certified prenatal fitness instructors are trained to help you modify exercises to accommodate your changing body and address any specific concerns.

  • Strengthening and Flexibility: Our workouts focus on strengthening your core, back, and pelvic floor muscles, while also improving your flexibility.

  • Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can help support your growing uterus and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve.

  • Community Support: Connect with other expecting mothers who understand the challenges of pregnancy and can offer support and encouragement.

By joining FIT4BABY, you can take a proactive approach to managing back pain and sciatica during pregnancy. Our program is designed to help you feel stronger, more comfortable, and better prepared for childbirth.

Need more?

Check out these resources as well!

xoxo fit4mom