
10 Things Women Need While They Are Pregnant (Beyond Their Registry)

There are certain things money can’t buy when it comes to what pregnant women really need, and mamas-to-be need to take care of themselves, their mental health, their bodies, their surroundings, and their lifestyle; those things go well beyond their baby registry.

Below are 10 things women need while they are pregnant:


1. Pregnant Women Need a Village

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but really, it takes a village to raise a mom. Every mom needs fellow moms to whom they can reach out for support. These friendships will help you share experiences, joys, and challenges. Building a supportive network can be a game-changer in navigating the rollercoaster of motherhood.

We have the village for you! We are a community of moms who support every age and stage of motherhood. From pregnancy through postpartum and beyond, our villages and fitness and wellness programs help make moms strong in body, mind, and spirit. Find your village here.

2. Ample Sleep is a Must-Have When Pregnant

Growing a baby is both an incredible and exhausting experience. Prioritizing rest and relaxation is essential to support your body and mind during this time. Whether you're balancing a demanding work schedule or managing responsibilities at home, it's important to find moments throughout the day to recharge. If you work from home, consider taking short breaks to rest. At night, focus on creating a calm, restful environment to help you unwind and get quality sleep.

Of course, sleep may not come easily with frequent bathroom trips, physical discomfort, and other pregnancy-related symptoms. To improve your chances of restful sleep, establish a consistent bedtime routine, stay hydrated throughout the day (but limit fluids closer to bedtime), take warm showers in the evening, and incorporate power naps as needed. Avoid spicy or greasy foods that can disrupt digestion and interfere with sleep.

If you're struggling to relax, consider trying one of our guided meditations, specifically designed for expecting mothers.

3. Proper Hydration is Key for Pregnant Women

Staying properly hydrated during pregnancy is essential for both your health and the development of your baby. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant women should aim to drink 8 to 12 cups (64 to 96 ounces) of water per day to support the increased demands on their body.

Adequate hydration not only helps to flush out toxins and improve blood flow, but it also plays a critical role in digestion, nutrient circulation, and the formation of amniotic fluid that surrounds and protects the fetus. Additionally, proper hydration can contribute to healthier skin and overall well-being during pregnancy.

Investing in a quality water bottle can serve as a helpful reminder to drink throughout the day, ensuring that you're meeting your hydration needs. Staying consistent with water intake is a simple yet vital step in supporting a healthy pregnancy.


4. Pelvic Floor Strength Helps in Both Pregnancy and Labor

The pelvic floor is a complex system of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that form a hammock-like structure at the base of your pelvis. It supports your pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. This powerful network is responsible for controlling your urination, bowel movements, and even sexual function. A well-functioning pelvic floor is crucial for maintaining core stability and preventing issues like incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

The pelvic floor needs to be strong to support the added weight of the uterus during pregnancy, but it also needs to relax and yield to let the baby through during labor and delivery.

While the pelvic floor is weakening in the later months of pregnancy, women will notice that their core is not functioning as efficiently as it should be. They may notice incontinence issues, difficulty breathing, lower back pain, and more. While some of this is normal and to be expected, some dysfunctions require medical or physical therapy guidance.

Want more guidance? Check out our blog with Dr. Dawn Andalon where we talk about 5 Surprising Truths About Your Pelvic Floor!

5. Don’t Be Afraid of Exercising While Pregnant

We know that some women feel intimidated or scared of exercising while pregnant—whether they were active before pregnancy or not. Our goal is to help reframe exercise for you during this precious time. The focus of exercise during this time should be on maintaining strength, easing the physical challenges of pregnancy, and preparing the body for birth and subsequent recovery.

Suppose you were exercising regularly before getting pregnant. In that case, you should be able to continue most of your normal, preferred activities - with some minor tweaks. We created a quick guide that walks you through training in each trimester.


6. A Meditation Practice Can Help Reduce Anxiety

Pregnancy is a transformative journey that involves not only physical changes but also a profound impact on mental and emotional well-being. Engaging in meditation practice during pregnancy can be immensely beneficial, offering a toolkit for navigating the emotional roller coaster that often accompanies this unique period.

Beyond the immediate benefits, a mindfulness practice during pregnancy has been associated with improved stress management and reduced anxiety. Pregnancy stress can impact maternal and fetal well-being, so incorporating mindfulness becomes a proactive and empowering measure for promoting a healthier and more relaxed pregnancy.

Ready to get started? Try our library of free guided meditations that are all under 10 minutes and designed for moms like you.

PS. Did you know all of our FIT4BABY classes end with a meditation?

7. Consider a Birth Plan to Stay Informed

Many pregnant women eagerly anticipate childbirth, but it's not uncommon for some to overlook the importance of thorough childbirth education. This can happen for various reasons, such as fear, a lack of awareness of its significance, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the preparation process.

However, as the birth approaches, being well-informed is crucial for making informed decisions and actively participating in shaping your birth plan. Proper preparation for childbirth can significantly impact your overall experience, helping you feel more empowered and confident as you navigate the process.

To help you kickstart this, we've gathered some common questions new moms often have about giving birth. Check out the answers here.

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8. New Moms Need GOOD Postpartum Care

Advocating for yourself in postpartum maternal care is essential for ensuring your physical and emotional well-being after childbirth. The postpartum period, often called the "fourth trimester," brings significant changes to your body, including hormonal shifts, recovery from labor, and the demands of caring for a newborn. It's crucial to communicate openly with your healthcare providers about any concerns, whether they involve physical discomfort, mental health challenges, or recovery complications. Don't hesitate to ask questions, seek treatment clarity, and request follow-up appointments. Being proactive and informed empowers you to receive the care you need and deserve during this critical time.

Self-advocacy also extends beyond medical appointments. It involves recognizing your needs and prioritizing rest, emotional support, and proper nutrition as you adjust to motherhood. Many women downplay their symptoms or feel pressured to "bounce back" quickly, but it's important to remember that your recovery is unique. If something feels off, trust your instincts and seek professional help, whether it’s for postpartum depression, pelvic floor dysfunction, or any other health issue. Being your biggest advocate ensures that you and your baby thrive during this transformative period.

9. Mom and Baby need Nourishing Meals

During pregnancy, nutrition plays a critical role not just for your baby's development but for your energy and well-being too. Beyond the typical prenatal vitamins, you should be focusing on a diet rich in nutrients like iron, folic acid, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Eating well-balanced meals filled with lean proteins, leafy greens, whole grains, and healthy fats can improve digestion, reduce fatigue, and help you maintain steady energy levels.

While cravings are common, it's important to listen to and fuel your body with what it truly needs. If meal planning overwhelms you, prepare simple, nutritious snacks like nuts, fruits, and veggies. You can also try some easy, mama-approved recipes to nourish you and your growing baby! In fact, check out our resources here.

10. Comfortable Clothing makes a difference

As your body changes and grows during pregnancy, having the right clothing can make a difference. It’s not just about finding cute maternity outfits, but about ensuring you have comfortable, stretchy, and breathable clothes that accommodate your growing belly and provide support. Maternity leggings, bras with good support, and belly bands can help alleviate pressure on your lower back and pelvis.

Wear comfortable and functional clothing also allows you to stay active, whether taking daily walks, participating in prenatal yoga, or attending your local FIT4BABY class. Dressing comfortably isn't just about style—it's about feeling good in your skin throughout this incredible journey!

And we have the goods! Check out our FIT4MOM line of clothing here.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in someone’s life and should be cherished. These 10 things go beyond one’s baby registry to help ensure a healthy, happy pregnancy filled with love, support, and nourishment. What would you add to this list?


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