
The Myth of Balance: A Mom's Guide to Time Management

Feeling overwhelmed in motherhood? You're not alone, Mama. The term "balance" often gets thrown around, but let's face it, this "you can have it all" narrative feels more like a trending term than an achievable goal. At FIT4MOM, we believe it's time to shift the narrative. Instead of striving for perfect balance, why not aim for intentionality? Making each day fulfilling doesn’t always mean checking off everything on your to-do list, but ensuring that your actions align with your values.

As moms, our days are packed from sunrise to sunset. But have you ever paused and wondered if your hours truly reflect what's important to you?

Understanding Your Time

The first step in gaining control over your time is understanding where it goes. This might seem trivial, but most of us aren't *really* aware of how our minutes add up over the day. Perhaps it's those few stolen moments on social media, or the long calls that weren’t scheduled that make you ask “where did the day go?!”. Apps like Clockify can help you keep better track of your activities, or if you prefer the old-school way, keep a daily journal! The key is to, without judging, assess your daily schedule and screen time to see if they truly mirror your priorities.

Time Blocking Schedule.png

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The Power of Batching, Blocking, and Breaks

Now that we have a better handle on where our time is spent, we can move on to the next step: organization! The secret sauce here is hidden in how you organize your precious hours.

Here’s our strategic breakdown for the week:

Day 1: Develop a Weekly Time Budget

Just as you budget your finances, it’s crucial to allocate time for your tasks! You can call it a time budget, time blocking, or simply a daily rhythm--no matter what you call it, creating a plan is key. Let’s map out your week by, for example, allocating specific hours for grocery shopping, kids’ activities, and workout sessions throughout the week.

Day 2: Batch Tasks

Improve efficiency by grouping similar tasks together. It reduces the mental load and increases focus. For instance, instead of sporadically checking emails throughout the day, set two designated times—one in the morning and one in the afternoon—and stick to it!

Day 3: Time-Block

Segment your day into blocks dedicated to specific tasks. It minimizes distractions and ensures that every minute counts. For example, you might set aside 9am-10am for self-care or a FIT4MOM class, 10am-11am for uninterrupted playtime with your toddler, and 1pm-2pm for tidying up the house or chores. Sticking to this daily rhythm will not only help your productivity, but will set the tone for your family as well.

Day 4: Take Breaks

Contrary to popular belief, taking regular, small breaks actually boosts productivity! It feels counter-productive, but it goes back to the old saying "you can't pour from an empty cup". Running yourself ragged does no good for anyone, so schedule in some time to take a break (even if it’s just 10 minutes). If you need help reclaiming time for yourself, check out these 3 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Time! It’s the best way to recharge and stay focused.

Day 5: Understand Parkinson's Law

We use the amount of time we allow ourselves. Recognizing this can be a game-changer in time management! Think about it like this, Mama: If you give yourself two hours to clean the house, it will take two hours. Try allotting just one hour, and you might surprise yourself with how much you can accomplish within that time frame!

Days 6 and 7: Rest

After the intensive week, take a breather! Use the weekend to reflect on your progress, lean into the things that bring you joy and refill your cup, and prepare for the next week. If needed, use this time to assess how the previous week went and make adjustments as needed.

While this strategy is an excellent way to understand where your time goes and how you can make the most of your day, remember that motherhood isn't meant to be done alone, Mama. The greatest societies mother within a village and that's exactly where the FIT4MOM Village comes in! Your Village is a supportive network of women at all ages and stages of motherhood who you can lean on, find support from, and build a community with. Don't sleep on the power of community, Mama.


Stay on top of your daily schedule and plans with this free FIT4MOM Daily Planner. Use this printable planner to schedule your workouts, any meetings or appointments, your must-do's, and even your "me time"! Bonus points if you stick it to the fridge or somewhere where you can easily reference it throughout the day to stay on track.

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